
Table of Contents

The ASP solving process Graph coloring

Torsten Schaub,

1 Process

okular –presentation asp-solving.pdf

2 Problem

  • Example: Graph coloring, Section 3.1 in 1
  • Given a graph consisting of nodes and edges, assign each node one color such that no two nodes connected by an edge have the same color

3 Modeling

3.1 Problem instance

A graph consisting of nodes and edges, along with some colors, is represented as

  • facts formed by predicates node/1 and edge/2
  • facts formed by predicate col/1

3.1.1 Commands

view-file graph.lp

3.2 Problem class

Assign each node one color such that no two nodes connected by an edge have the same color

In other words:

  • Each node has a unique color
  • Two connected nodes must not have the same color

3.2.1 Commands

view-file color.lp4 2

okular –presentation methodology.pdf

4 Grounding

gringo4 –version

  • human-readable output gringo4 color.lp4 graph.lp –text
  • machine-readable output (see Table 7.1 in 1) gringo4 color.lp4 graph.lp

4.1 NB: You may as well want to try gringo 3 for more options:

view-file color.lp4 2 view-file color.lp

gringo3 color.lp graph.lp –text

gringo3 color.lp4 graph.lp –text gringo4 color.lp4 graph.lp –text

5 Solving

clasp3 –version

gringo4 color.lp4 graph.lp | clasp3 gringo4 color.lp4 graph.lp | clasp3 0

gringo4 color.lp4 graph.lp | clasp3 0 –stats

6 Miscellaneous

6.1 Alternative encoding

view-file colorD.lp4 2

gringo4 colorD.lp4 graph.lp –text gringo4 colorD.lp4 graph.lp | clasp3 0

6.2 clingo versus gringo+clasp

clingo4 –version

clingo4 color.lp4 graph.lp

clingo4 –help

  • "–help=3" clingo4 –help=3
  • "–mode" clingo4 –mode=gringo color.lp4 graph.lp | clingo4 –mode=clasp



M. Gebser, R. Kaminski, B. Kaufmann, and T. Schaub. Answer Set Solving in Practice. Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Morgan and Claypool December 2012, 238 pages, 10.2200/S00457ED1V01Y201211AIM019


We use extension lp4 to indicate encodings for gringo 4 (along the ASP-Core-2 standard 3)


F. Calimeri, W. Faber, M. Gebser, G. Ianni, R. Kaminski, T. Krennwallner, N. Leone, F. Ricca, and T. Schaub: ASP-Core-2: Input language format. 2012. Available at

Author: Torsten Schaub

Created: 2014-05-10 Sat 21:32

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.3c)
