These pages describe a system for compiling ordered logic programs into regular logic programs under answer set semantics [6]. Our system is conceived as a front-end to the logic programming systems dlv and smodels.
The underlying compiler is implemented in the programming language Prolog; it has been developed under the ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System but its code employs standard Prolog programming constructs so that it remains portable to other Prolog systems. For instance, it runs equally well under SICStus Prolog.
We deal with extended logic programs under the answer set semantics [6] which is an extension of the stable models semantics [5] for handling logic programs with classical negation. An excellent introduction to logic programming under these semantics is due to Vladimir Lifschitz and can be accessed through his home-page.
This emerging subfield common to logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning is also referred to Answer Set Programming. Some links on the subject are given here.