Winter Term 2024/25- Grundlagen der Programmierung (Fundamentals of Programming)
- Formale Grundlagen der Informatik (Theoretische Informatik I) (Formal Foundations of Computer Science - Theoretical Computer Science I)
- Foundations of Computer Science in the Master's programs Data Science and Cognitive Sytems
- Praxis der Programmierung (Programming in C, Object oriented Programming)
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Algorithms and Datastructures)
- Grundlagen der Programmierung (Fundamentals of Programming)
- Naturwissenschaftlich motivierte formale Modelle (Formal models inspired by nature)
- Foundations of Computer Science in the Master's programs Data Science and Cognitive Sytems
- Praxis der Programmierung (Programming in C, Object oriented Programming)
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Algorithms and Datastructures)
- Organisation von Fachveranstaltungen
- Grundlagen der Programmierung (Fundamentals of Programming)
- Compiler und Programmtransformation (Compiler and Program Transformation)
- Foundations of Computer Science in the Master's programs Data Science and Cognitive Sytems
- Praxis der Programmierung (Programming in C, Object oriented Programming)
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Algorithms and Datastructures)
- Grundlagen der Programmierung (Fundamentals of Programming)
- Naturwissenschaftlich motivierte formale Modelle (Formal models inspired by nature)
- Foundations of Computer Science in the Master's programs Data Science and Cognitive Sytems
- Praxis der Programmierung (Programming in C, Object oriented Programming)
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Algorithms and Datastructures)
- Grundlagen der Programmierung (Fundamentals of Programming)
- Software Engineering 1
- Compiler und Programmtransformation (Compiler and Program Transformation)
- Praxis der Programmierung (Programming in C, Object oriented Programming)
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Algorithms and Datastructures)
- Grundlagen der Programmierung (Fundamentals of Programming)
- Naturwissenschaftlich motivierte formale Modelle (Formal models inspired by nature)
- Foundations of Computer Science in the Master's program Cognitive Sytems
- Praxis der Programmierung (Programming in C, Object oriented Programming)
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Algorithms and Datastructures)
- Grundlagen der Programmierung (Fundamentals of Programming)
- Compiler und Programmtransformation (Compiler and Program Transformation)
- Foundations of Computer Science in the Master's program Cognitive Sytems
- Praxis der Programmierung (Programming in C, Object oriented Programming)
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Algorithms and Datastructures)
- Grundlagen der Programmierung (Fundamentals of Programming)
- Naturwissenschaftlich motivierte formale Modelle (Formal models inspired by nature)
- Foundations of Computer Science in the Master's program Cognitive Sytems
- Praxis der Programmierung (Programming in C, Object oriented Programming)
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Algorithms and Datastructures)
- Blockseminar: Computational Models Inspired by Nature
- Grundlagen der Programmierung (Fundamentals of Programming)
- Compiler und Programmtransformation (Compiler and Program Transformation)
- Foundations of Computer Science in the Master's program Cognitive Sytems
- Praxis der Programmierung (Programming in C, C++ and Java)
- Software Engineering 2
- Compiler und Programmtransformation (Compiler and Program Transformation)
- Software Engineering
- Foundations of Computer Science in the Master's program Cognitive Sytems
- Praxis der Programmierung (Programming in C, C++ and Java)
- Software Engineering 2
- Naturwissenschaftlich motivierte formale Modelle (Formal models inspired by nature)
- Übungen zu Theoretischer Informatik 2 am Hasso-Plattner-Institut (Associated courses in Theoretical Computer Science (Part 2) at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut)
- Compiler und Programmtransformation (Compiler and Program Transformation)
- Software Engineering
- Foundations of Computer Science in the Master's program Cognitive Sytems
- Übungen zu Theoretischer Informatik 1 am Hasso-Plattner-Institut (Associated courses in Theoretical Computer Science at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut)
- Praxis der Programmierung (Programming in C, C++ and Java)
- Co-lecturer in Software Engineering 2
- Übungen zu Theoretischer Informatik 2 am Hasso-Plattner-Institut (Associated courses in Theoretical Computer Science (Part 2) at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut)
- Co-lecturer in Virtualisierung und Compilation (Virtualisation and Compilation)
- Co-lecturer in Software Engineering 1
- Rechnerübungen zu Grundlagen der Programmierung (Basic concepts of computer operation)
- Übungen zu Theoretischer Informatik 1 am Hasso-Plattner-Institut (Associated courses in Theoretical Computer Science at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut)
- Co-lecturer in Formale Methoden im Systementwurf (Formal methods in system design)
- Co-lecturer in Software Engineering 2
- Co-lecturer in Organisation Informatik Career Day
- Programming
- Formal Models Inspired by Biology
- Parsing
- Information Theory (as co-lecturer)
- Foundations of Service Engineering (as co-lecturer)
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Logic
- Complexity Theory
- Mathematics for Engineers
- Mildly Context-Sensitive Grammars (at the International PhD School Formal Languages and Applications, Universitat Rovira I Virgili Tarragona, Spain, 2002--06)