Topics Addressed by the Workshop "Inclusive E-Learning"
The German law Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (BGG) and Hochschulrahmengesetz (HRG) define requirements for inclusive teaching and learning in academic education. But the implementation of these regulations does not always guarantee the equal participation of all learners in their studies. In the future, accessible learning management systems and learning content as well as inclusive didactical concepts will gain in importance. E-learning is, to a large extent, independent of location and time, and can provide for adaptable digital study or teaching material. It can thus enable persons with disabilities to enter and succeed in the respective fields of learning. On the other hand, the increased usage of multimedia and dynamic contents and the ubiquitous presence of mobile devices can result in new barriers. The second workshop "Inclusive E-Learning" concentrates on concepts, evaluations and developments in the context of accessible content and systems for learning and teaching.
The topics addressed (in the general context of e-learning) in this workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Current or new concepts, scenarios and developments concerning accessible contents and systems for teaching and learning.
- Studies of accessibility and acceptance of teaching or learning contents.
- Novel methods for adapting teaching or learning contents to the learning goal and the student groups.
- Innovative technical tools or devices for teaching and learning.
- Development or studies regarding teaching/learning methods for handicapped students or teachers.
- Studies concerning education theory and praxis and e-learning with regard to both the methods of teaching and the continuing education of teachers.