Dr. rer. nat. Nuria Brede

Kontakt — Contact Details
brede [at] uni [minus] potsdam [dot] de
[firstname] [dot] [lastname] [at] gmail [dot] com
(The uni-potsdam address is still active but will eventually cease to exist.)
Interessen und Schwerpunkte — Research Interests
- Klassische und konstruktive Logik — Classical and constructive logics
- Typentheorie — Type theory
- Programm-Synthese — Program synthesis
Lehre — Teaching
- Cartesisches Seminar (Cartesian Seminar) (fortlaufend/continuously)
- Theorie Kolloquium (Research Colloquium Theoretical CS) (fortlaufend/continuously)
- Theoretische Informatik II (Computability and Complexity Theory) SoSe 2017
- Theoretische Informatik II (Computability and Complexity Theory) SoSe 2016
- Theoretische Informatik I (Automata Theory and Formal Languages) WiSe 2015/16
- Theoretische Informatik I (Automata Theory and Formal Languages) WiSe 2013/14
- Seminar Funktionale Programmierung (Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design) SoSe 2013
- Theoretische Informatik II (Computability and Complexity Theory) SoSe 2012
- Seminar Logik und Berechenbarkeit (Logic and Computability) WiSe 2011/12
- Theoretische Informatik II (Computability and Complexity Theory) SoSe 2011
- Seminar Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit (Security and Reliability) WiSe 2010/11
- Seminar Kategorientheorie (Category Theory) SoSe 2010
- Seminar Kolmogorovkomplexität (Kolmogorov Complexity) WiSe 2009/10
- Theoretische Informatik II (Computability and Complexity Theory) SoSe 2009
Veröffentlichungen — Publications
See ORCID or Google Scholar.
Dissertation — Doctoral Dissertation
Nuria BredeOn Monadic Backward Induction and Extensional Equality Preservation
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Potsdam, 2024.
Diplomarbeit — Diploma Thesis
Degree: Diplom-Informatikerin (Dipl.-Inform.) — former German MSc equivalentNuria Brede
λμPRL - A Proof Refinement Calculus for Classical Reasoning in Computational Type Theory
Diploma Thesis, University of Potsdam, 2009.
Associated technical report:
Nuria Brede and Christoph Kreitz
λμPRL - A Proof Refinement Calculus for Classical Reasoning in Computational Type Theory
Technical Report, University of Potsdam, 03/2009.