Seminar Pervasive Computing
aktuelle Informationen
Vorlesung "Grundlagen Betriebssysteme und Rechnernetze"
Vorlesung "Verteilte Systeme"
freitags, 13:00-15:00 Uhr (14-tägig)
Prof. Dr. Bettina Schnor
Dipl.-Inf Lars Schneidenbach
Msc. André Luckow
- Aktuelle Beiträge 2005/2006 recherchieren!
- Folienentwurf 2 Wochen vor dem Vortragstermin vorlegen.
- Vortragsfolien und Ausarbeitung müssen mit LaTeX erstellt werden!
- Erfolgreicher Vortrag (ca. 50 min. + 10 min. Diskussion, Präsentation mit Beamer)
- Eine Woche nach dem Vortrag sind die Ausarbeitung in Papierform und die Latex-Quellen abzugeben. Die Latex-Quellen schicken sie an Herrn Luckow:
- Der Leistungserfassungsprozess umfasst die regelmäßige Teilnahme (maximal an zwei Vorträgen gefehlt).
- Die Note ermittelt sich wie folgt:
- 10% Einhalten der Deadline
- 50% Vortrag (30 % Inhalt, 30 % Vortragsstil + Folien)
- 40% Ausarbeitung
Umfang und Zuordnung
Veranstaltungsform: Seminar (2 SWS)
Belegungspunkte: 3
Informatikfachzuordnung: Praktische Informatik (3000)
Folgende Themen werden behandelt:
Das Automobil als mobiles Endgerät [31,35,7,24] (David Böhme)
Anwendungsbeispiel: Wearables [2,8,36] (Patrick Bringezu)
Drahtlose Kommunikation: Wireless LAN, Bluetooth [38, Kapitel 7] (Steffen Meyer)
Drahtlose Kommunikation: GSM, UMTS [38, Kapitel 4] (Matthias Geue)
- Klassifizierung und Standards
- Physikalische Grundlagen und Funktionsweise
- Anwendungsgebiete
RFID [10,45,12] (Bettina Buchholz)
- Klassifikation RFID Systeme
- Physikalische Grundlagen und Funktionsweise
- Anwendungsbeispiele
RFID und Privacy [5,13,22,37,12,34,27] (Volker Kaatz)
Routing in Sensor-Netzen [47, Kapitel 3] [14,23,4] (Hendrik Radke)
Datenverbreitung und -speicherung in Sensor-Netzen [47, Kapitel 6] [46,40] (Martin Schöne)
Lokalisierung [26,25,41,3,20] (Enrico Rabeneck)
Middleware für Computing [17,15,9,28,44,1] (Marcus Lehmann)
- Service-orientierte Infrastrukturen: Jini, OSGi
Entwicklung von Mobilen Anwendungen (2 Studenten) [16,11,43,33,21] (Beatrice Hennig, Andre Kloth)
- Java Micro Edition und Java Wireless Toolkit
- .NET Compact Framework
Gesellschaftliche und Soziale Aspekte von Computing [32,6] (Peter Streng)
- 1
OSGi Alliance.
The OSGi Service Platform - Dynamic services for networked devices., 2006.
- 2
Daniel Ashbrook, Kent Lyons, and James Clawson.
Capturing Experiences Anytime, Anywhere.
IEEE Computing, pages 8-11, April 2006.
- 3
Christian Becker and Frank Dürr.
On Location Models for Ubiquitous Computing.
Personal Ubiquitous Comput., 9(1):20-31, 2005.
- 4
David Braginsky and Deborah Estrin.
Rumor routing algorithm for sensor networks.
In Proceedings of the First ACM Workshop on Sensor Networks and
Applications (WCNA), pages 22-31, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 2002. ACM.
- 5
Johann Cas.
Privacy in Computing Environments - A Contradiction in
- 6
Vlad Coroama, Jürgen Bohn, and Friedemann Mattern.
Living in a Smart Environment - Implications for the Coming
Ubiquitous Information Society.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Man
and Cybernetics 2004 (IEEE SMC 2004), pages 5633-5638, The Hague, The
Netherlands, October 2004.
- 7
DaimlerChrysler and Sun Microsystems.
DaimlerChrysler IT Cruiser Telematics Concept., 2001.
- 8
Mikael Drugge, Josef Hallberg, Peter Parnes, and Kare Synnes.
Wearable Systems in Nursing Home Care: Prototyping Experience.
IEEE Computing, pages 86-91, January 2006.
- 9
W. Keith Edwards.
Discovery Systems in Ubiquitous Computing.
IEEE Computing, pages 70-77, April 2006.
- 10
Klaus Finkenzeller.
Hanser, 3. edition, 2002.
- 11
Von Markus Frei, Bruno Struder, and Roger Wittwer.
Mobile Anwendungen mit J2ME.
Java Magazin, 04 2005.
- 12
Berliner Forschungszentrum für Internetökonomie.
Grundlegende Informationen zu RFID., 2005.
- 13
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik.
Risiken und Chancen des Einsatzes von RFID-Systemen (RIKCHA) -
Trends und Entwicklungen in Technologien, Anwendungen und Sicherheit.,
- 14
D. Ganesan, R. Govindan, S. Shenker, and D. Estrin.
Highly-resilient, energy-efficient multipath routing in wireless
sensor networks.
ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), 1(2),
- 15
Rahul Gupta, Sumeet Talwar, and Dharma P. Agrawal.
Jini Home Networking: A Step toward Computing.
IEEE Computer, pages 34-40, August 2002.
- 16
Sumi Helal.
Pervasive Java.
IEEE Computing, pages 82-85, January 2002.
- 17
Karen Henricksen, Jadwiga Indulska, and Andry Rakotonirainy.
Infrastructure for Computing: Challenges.
In GI Jahrestagung (1), pages 214-222, 2001.
- 18
Jason Hill, Robert Szewczyk, Alec Woo, Seth Hollar, David Culler, and Kristofer
System architecture directions for networked sensors.
SIGPLAN Not., 35(11):93-104, 2000.
- 19
IEEE Computing., 2006.
- 20
Seigo Ito and Nobuo Kawaguchi.
Bayesian Based Location Estimation System Using Wireless LAN.
In PerCom Workshops, pages 273-278. IEEE Computer Society,
- 21
Tim Kindberg and Armando Fox.
System Software for Ubiquitous Computing.
IEEE Computing, pages 70-81, January 2002.
- 22
Dennis Kügler and Harald Kelter.
Risiko Reisepass? Schutz der biometrischen Daten im RF-Chip.
c't, pages 84-89, February 05/2005.
- 23
Joanna Kulik, Wendi Heinzelman, and Hari Balakrishnan.
Negotiation-based protocols for disseminating information in wireless
sensor networks.
Wirel. Netw., 8(2/3):169-185, 2002.
- 24
Andrew L. Kun, W. Thomas Miller, and William H. Lenharth.
Computers in Police Cruisers.
IEEE Computing, pages 34-41, October 2004.
- 25
K. Laasonen, M. Raento, and H. Toivonen.
Adaptive On-Device Location Recognition.
In Proceedings of 2004, Second International
Conference on Computing, Vienna, Austria, 2004.
- 26
A. LaMarca, Y. Chawathe, S. Consolvo, J. Hightower, I. Smith, J. Scott,
T. Sohn, J. Howard, J. Hughes, F. Potter, J. Tabert, P. Powledge,
G. Borriello, and B. Schilit.
Place Lab: Device Positioning Using Radio Beacons in the Wild.
In Proceedings of 2005, Third International Conference
on Computing, Munich, Germany, 2005.
- 27
Marc Langheinrich.
RFID and Privacy.
In Milan Petkovic and Willem Jonker, editors, Security, Privacy,
and Trust in Modern Data Management. Springer-Verlag, July 2006.
- 28
Choonhwa Lee, David Nordstedt, and Sumi Helal.
Enabling Smart Spaces with OSGi.
IEEE Computing, pages 89-94, July 2003.
- 29
P. Levis and D. Culler.
Mate: A tiny virtual machine for sensor networks.
In International Conference on Architectural Support for
Programming Languages and Operating Systems, San Jose, CA, USA, Oct. 2002.
- 30
Seng W. Loke.
Context-Aware Artifacts: Two Development Approaches.
IEEE Computing, pages 48-53, April 2006.
- 31
Friedemann Mattern, editor.
Total vernetzt - Szenarien einer informatisierten Welt.
Springer-Verlag, April 2003.
- 32
Friedemann Mattern.
Allgegenwärtige Informationsverarbeitung - Technologietrends und
Auswirkungen des Ubiquitous Computing.,
- 33
.NET Compact Framework.
- 34
Marco Casassa Mont, Pete Bramhall, and Joe Pato.
On adaptive identity management: The next generation of identity
management technologies.
Technical report, HP, 2003.
- 35
E. C. Nelson, K. Venkatesh Prasad, V. Rasin, and C. J. Simonds.
An embedded architectural framework for interaction between
automobiles and consumer devices.
In IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications
Symposium, pages 192-201. IEEE Computer Society, 2004.
- 36
Bradley Rhodes and Kenji Mase.
Wearables in 2005.
IEEE Computing, pages 92-95, January 2006.
- 37
Melanie R. Rieback, Bruno Crispo, and Andrew S. Tanenbaum.
The Evolution of RFID Security.
IEEE Computing, pages 62-69, January 2006.
- 38
Jochen Schiller.
Pearson Education, München, 2004.
- 39
Albrecht Schmidt, Michael Beigl, and Hans-W. Gellersen.
There is more to context than location.
Computers and Graphics, 23(6):893-901, 1999.
- 40
Scott Shenker, Sylvia Ratnasamy, Brad Karp, Ramesh Govindan, and Deborah
Data-centric storage in sensornets.
SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., 33(1):137-142, 2003.
- 41
Ian Smith, Sunny Consolvo, Anthony LaMarca, Jeffrey Hightower, James Scott,
Timothy Sohn, Jeff Hughes, Giovanni Iachello, and Gregory D. Abowd.
Social Disclosure Of Place: From Location Technology to
Communication Practice.
In Proceedings of 2005, Munich, Germany, 2005.
- 42
P. Stanley-Marbell and L. Iftode.
Scylla : A smart virtual machine for mobile embedded systems.
In 3rd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and
Applications, pages 41-50, December 2000.
- 43
Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME).
- 44
Jim Waldo.
The Jini Architecture for Network-Centric Computing.
Commun. ACM, 42(7):76-82, 1999.
- 45
Roy Want.
An Introduction to RFID Technology.
IEEE Computing, pages 25-33, January 2006.
- 46
Fan Ye, Haiyun Luo, Jerry Cheng, Songwu Lu, and Lixia Zhang.
A two-tier data dissemination model for large-scale wireless sensor
In Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on
Mobile computing and networking, pages 148-159. ACM Press, 2002.
- 47
Feng Zhao and Leonida Guibas.
Wireless Sensor Networks - An Information Processing
Elsevier Inc., San Francisco, 2004.
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